Following Property-based testing with F# by Mark Seemann it annoyed me a bit that the generator did not involve the type itself in restricting what could be generated. I tried to figure out a nice way to do this. Then one day arrived the need for a string which would always contain a value – a NonEmptyString – because I like to make illegal states unrepresentable – which is no new idea. Scott Wlaschin is brilliant. Period.
I eventually came up with this little piece of code:
type NonEmptyString = private NonEmptyString of string with static member create value = match NonEmptyString.validate value with | true -> NonEmptyString value |> Some | false -> None static member validate value = String.IsNullOrEmpty value |> not static member primitiveValue value = let (NonEmptyString primitiveValue) = value primitiveValue
The code represents a string which cannot be null or empty, ever. You simply cannot construct it with an empty value. This also means, of course, that you always have to construct it using e.g. match with:
let s = match NonEmptyString.create "somestring" with | None -> ... // you have to think of some error handling here! | Some value -> value
Now having the validate
function makes it very easy to create a generator for FsCheck:
type Generators = static member NonEmptyString() = { new Arbitrary() with override x.Generator = Arb.Default.String() |> Arb.filter(fun s -> NonEmptyString.validate s) |> Arb.toGen |> x -> match NonEmptyString.create x with | x -> x.Value) }
If you haven’t used FsCheck I strongly suggest that you give it a go. There is quite a steep learning code, but it is very much worth it.